Computer Repair Services

Virus Removal: We remove all types of viruses.
Not connecting to the Internet
Blue Screen of Death
Hardware Upgrades
Windows Installations
Spyware and Adware Removal
Data Recovery and Backup

Desktops & Laptops Repair

Laptop LCD Replacement
Hard Drive Replacement
Power Supply Replacement
Gaming Video Card Installations
Macbook & IMac Repair
Apple Operating Systems Installations
Servers Installations and Configurations
Domain Controler and Active Directories
SQL Database Design and Implementation
  • Speed up a slow computer
  • Remove a Virus, Spyware or Trojan
  • Fix error messages and repair the registry
  • Setup a new printer
  • Install Antivirus or Antispyware
  • Configure an Email Account


Great Value and Convenience

  • Available Monday-Friday: 9am-7pm
  • Sit back and watch our technician fix your pc
  • No surcharges or additional fees
  • Secure and Reliable Technicians
  • 100% Customer Satisfaction Rating

What People Say About Us

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